Savvas Stavrou

16' | 2023 | Cyprus, UK | Fiction | Musical Drama

// Deux jeunes soldats, séparés par le front, tombent amoureux et trouvent dans la musique une échappatoire à cet environnement oppressant.

// Two young soldiers across enemy lines fall in love and find escape from their oppressive environments through music.

Société de production | Production company : Soña Films

Producteur | Producer : Sophie Reynolds

Address | Adresse : 7A Downhills Park Road, London N17 6PE – UK

E-mail | Contact : sophie@sona-films.com

Co-production | Co-production company : Seahorse Films

Address | Adresse : Vissis 1 Germasogia 4043 Limassol – Cyprus

Associate Producers : Thomas Hawkins, Peter Stephanou

Scénario & Réalisation | Director & Screenwriter : Savvas Stavrou

Acteurs | Cast : Andreas Marcou & Adnan Mustafa

Image | Director of Photography : Anna MacDonald

Son | Sound  engineer : Joakim Sundström

Montage image | Editor :  Mdhamiri Á Nkemi

Musique originale | Original soundtrack : Angus MacRae

Clermont-Ferrand ISFF | 2023

BFI Flare | 2023

Short Shorts & Asia | 2023

Festival du Court en Plein Air de Grenoble | 2023

Drama ISFF | Best Male Performance + Best Queer Short | 2023

Helsinki IFF | 2023

Athens IFF | 2023

Cyprus ISFF | Best Actor + Best Director | 2023

Queer Filmfest Weiterstadt | 2023

Pink Screens Brussels | 2023

Pöff Shorts | 2023

Athens International Children FF | 2023

Indie Shorts Awards Cannes | 2023

Slovak Queer FF | 2023

MedFilm Festival | 2023

Festival Chéries Chéris | 2023

Seoul Pride FF | 2023

Tolerance Festival | 2023

Queer Screen’s Mardi Gras Film Festival | 2024

San Francisco Greek FF | Honorable Mention | 2024

Landshut SFF | 2024

Roze Filmdagen Amsterdam | 2024

Positively Different SFF | 2024

Greek FF Berlin | Best Short Film Award | 2024

Regard Saguenay | 2024

Setting Sun FF | 2024

Seattle IFF | 2024

Prato FF | 2024

Ennesimo FF | 2024

Queer Movie Night | 2024

Alexandria SFF | 2024

FIRE Barcelona | 2024

New Directors New Film  Portugal | 2024

Los Angeles Greek FF | 2024

Taos Pride Film Fest – On the fringe | 2024

Santiago Del Estero | 2024

Nuits Méditerranéennes | 2024

Via Verin FF | 2024

Queer Lisboa | 2024

Ningbo SFF | 2024

Queer Wave Cyprus | 2024

Heart of gold | 2024

Everybody’s Perfect | 2024

Filmfest Sundsvall | 2024

Bolton FF | 2024

Perlen Hannover Queer FF | 2024

Queer FF Bremen | 2024

Brisbane IFF | 2024

Linz FF | 2024

Athens Short FF | 2024

// Savvas Stavrou est un scénariste et réalisateur chypriote installé à Londres et ancien participant du Sundance Lab, de la Berlinale Talents, de BFI Netword @ LFF et de la Zurich Academy. Ses courts métrages Song to the Siren, Dorothea, Interlude et A Jar of Nuts ont été diffusés dans des festivals internationaux, dont le dernier a gagné le prix du meilleur court-métrage au festival international de Tirana. Il développe actuellement son premier long-métrage, The Ones Left Behind qui fut parmi les 8 projets sélectionnés au Sundance Mediterranean Screenwriters Lab en 2018.

// Savvas Stavrou is a Cypriot-born writer/director based in London and an alumni of the Sundance Lab, Berlinale Talents, BFI Network @ LFF and Zurich Academy. His short films SONG TO THE SIREN, DOROTHEA, INTERLUDE and A JAR OF NUTS have screened internationally at festivals, with the latter having won at the Oscar-qualifying Tirana Film Festival for Best Short. He is currently developing his first feature THE ONES LEFT BEHIND, which was one of 8 projects selected to participate at the Sundance Mediterranean Screenwriters Lab in 2018.

  • Buffer Zone (2023)
  • The Most Beautiful Boy (2020)
  • Let Go (2020)
  • A Jar of Nuts (2019)
  • Dorothea (2014)
  • Song to the Siren (2010)