Vasilis Kekatos
19' | 2018 | Greece, France | Social Drama | Fantasy

// Makis travaille dans une exploitation piscicole. Un matin, alors qu’il part travailler, on l’informe qu’il est mort. Et ce, depuis hier. Il tente vainement de prouver qu’il est bien vivant, pour finalement accepter sa situation. Il ne lui reste plus qu’à trouver quelqu’un pour s’occuper de ses canaris, avant son enterrement…
// Makis is a fish farm worker. On his way to work one morning, he is informed that he has died the day before. After failed attempts to prove that he is alive, he accepts his fate with indifference and he spends his last day trying to secure shelter and caretakers for his beloved canaries, up until the time of his funeral.
Pöff Shorts | 2019
Hellax Filmbox Berlin | 2019
Houston Greek Film Festival | 2019 TiSFF | 2019
Victory International Film Festival – Best Cinematography and Best Actor | 2019
Sopot Film Festival | 2019
Rhodes Island International Film Festival | 2019
Fifigrot | 2019
San Francisco Greek Film Festival | 2019
Festival Court Métrange de Rennes | 2019
Palm Springs Film Festival | 2019
Festival international du film cinema Jove de Valence | 2019
Kiev IFF Molodist | 2019
Mecal Pro International Film Festival | 2019
Vilnius Film Festival | 2019
Gosh! Paris Film Festival | Best Screenplay award | Best Actress Award | 2019
Sundance Film Festival | 2019
Belgrade Auteur Film Festival | 2018
Corti Di Dorico Film Festival | 2018
Rome Independent Film Festival |2018
Tirana International Film Festival |2018
Tous Courts Film Festival | Aix en Provence |2018
Villeurbanne Film Festival | Best Film | 2018
Zinebi Film Festival | 2018 Mediterranean Shortfilm Festival of Tangier | 2018
Athens International Film Festival | Best Second Film | 2018
Drama International Film Festival | Best Southern East European Short and Special Prize | 2018
Locarno Film Festival | 2018
Scénario & Réalisation | Director : Vasilis Kekatos
Acteurs | Cast : Andreas Konstantinou – Alexandra Katsarou – Aggelos Skasilas – Alexandros Papaioannou
Image | Director of Photography : Giorgos Valsamis
Son | Sound Engineer : Yiannis Antypas – Valia Tserou
Montage image | Editor : Smaro Papaevaggelou
Musique Originale | Original Score : Kostas Tournas
Société de production | Production company : Blackbird Production
Producteur | Producer : Eleni Kossyfidou
Société de co-production | Co-Production company : Tripode Productions
Producteur | Producer : Guillaume Dreyfus, Delphine Schmit